How to Write a Great Blog Post

How to write a great blog post - trickdumpThere is no suspicion that content is a key figure of blog or site. However, many blogger pay no attention to expose the quality content to their blogs. Quality is the major concern for every blogger. Blogging is not a learning zone; it is also a responsible job to share authentic information to the people. Few year before blogging was like as fashion rather than profession. Today, blogging is a great respectable profession and build strong online profile. Therefore, a blog should be responsible to their blogging profession.

This post is basically focusing for write a blog post on the profession ways. You will get the knowledge about how to write a blog post and replicate to your own blog. Once you have learned blogging ideas then you will able to write a excellent blog and quickly Rank your page on search engines. Myhox Network helps to share excellent ideas to write a SEO friendly blog post and empower your blogging job. You can learn some Quick SEO Tips and apply to your blog zone. 


How to write a great blog post - graph view - trickdump

Do not violet copyright: 
It is the major responsibility to your blogging life that, do not copy any content script from any online or offline resources. It is the great legal concern. This process is against of the Google robot and copyright laws. Google robot has removed many blog indexed due to the copyright issues. Duplicate content cannot get the opportunity to drive Search Engines Traffic and readers also notice it as red flag. If your content has not get opportunity to search engines index then what is your sources to drive traffic? Therefore you should not replicate this method in your blog or sites, it kills your ideas and it has already expired.

Write fresh and unique content: 
You have to write fresh content with innovative configuration. Fresh content get the chances to index on search engines within 24 hours. Your readers also love to read fresh and unique contents. Therefore, you have to explore pioneering ideas to your contents. As professional blogger, you have to understand the real background to your contents. You can focus your time for searching new topics and new input. Fresh content can be compare with fresh fruit; it has enormous power to uplift your blogging career. Once you got the opportunity to expose your ideas, it can be the turning (U turn) point in your life. Search engine searching new topics and new stuffs inspecting results.
Focus on innovative ideas: You have to explore the ground-breaking ideas to your each content. Innovative ideas can take the major benefits while blogging. Therefore, you have to includes some research oriented studies to your contents and decorate with gorgeous tips. Original ideas can be the key figures to your blogs on the views of readers and search engines also.

Spend time for research: 
You have to spend most of the time for researching various topics and write some assignment. It is your profession, so that you should have to be aware from all kinds of blogging information. You should know that what other blogger are doing and how you are exposing your ideas in front of them. There is a massive competition on this internet colossal. All Information expired within a day or hours due to the advancement to internet technology. Therefore you have to update with these information.  

Write quality content:
Quality is the Guru Mantra for a professional bloggers. I do not like to designate the elements of the quality contents but would like to explain the benefits of quality contents. You can index you quality content on search engine within a few hours. It entices the readers and search engines.  Quality content drive search engines traffic, Backlinks, comments, share on social media, bookmarking and Monetize the Traffic. There are several benefits of quality contents. Let take a minute to mediate to your contents resources and then write it. You can gather all kinds of information on Notepad and then assemble the information according to your content format.

Read more and write more:
You have to read more blog post to gather information and ideas to replicate in your contents. Reading more post means gathering more knowledge and exploring more ideas to your contents. Therefore you have to read more books, blog posts, newspaper, magazine etc. You have to write more and more because. You need to improve your writing skills and expertise to your blogging.

Analyze your blogging pattern: 
You have to analyze your blogging pattern and collect the feedback to your contents. Your contest gets many feedback and you have to respect to them.  Use Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics to observe your blogging patterns and your visitor’s behaviors.

Write keywords rich contents:
You have to write keywords rich contents to your blog. Because keywords rich content get the high chances for visible on search engines. Therefore, use Google Keywords Tools to get keywords ideas to your contents. You have to place right keywords at the right places and make it rich. You contents will be visible while searching keywords on search engines. It helps to quick ranking your pages on major search engines. You can use long-tailed keywords rather than short tailed. Because of, long tailed keywords are less competitive compare with short tail keywords.

Includes some eye-catching videos:
You have to create some beautiful videos to include in your contents. It helps to catch the eye to your readers and make it easy to understand your contents.  You can also upload your videos on YouTube and other online video stores. You videos can generate the YouTube search results traffics and Get backlinks to your sites.  Video marketing is the emerging concept to drive traffic and blogging success.

Attach with beautiful images
You can also attract some beautiful images to your contents. However you have to include relevant images only. It helps to take some pate to stay to your pages and reduces the page bounces rate and make your content attractive also. You can submit your images links on Pinterest. It helps to links back up your content and generate the images searching traffic.

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